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Design your work to maximize your impact

You spent too much time on your work not to take that final step to make it visually appealing and consistent with your organizations brand. Here is how I can help. The three main sections are in Illustrations, infographics, and reports. Thanks for looking around! 



My main expertise is design. The first area is illustrations where I create them to accompany mainly issue-based articles and editorials. These range from political cartoons, editorial cartoons, to pop culture references. These are also used .


Infographics & Informational

Through internships and classes, I have used Adobe InDesign and other design platforms to create informational multimedia content.


Reports & Presentations 

Through several internships, academics, and jobs, I have gained experience in designing technical and marketing reports. Also, in creating presentations for pitches. Some of the files take a little while to load due to large file size. 

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